We are three buyers with different career paths who want to bring purchasing on a learning and knowledge platform. We pursue two goals. Every participant should have access to top-class purchasing experts and their expertise. The financial contributions of the participants are used to compensate the speakers and also to further develop our field, which is becoming more and more comprehensive in practice and more present in research.

This is mainly due to the fact that purchasing is no longer limited to negotiation and sourcing, like supplier decision-making, but also includes elements of quality, logistics, supply chain management, technology development and lean management. Issues such as risk management, working capital management, innovation management and sustainability are also coming to the fore again and want to be dealt with professionally.

We hope you will join us on this journey.

Purchasing in various industries, service sectors and public sectors is different, but basically many similar issues are addressed. Therefore, we want to give various speakers from different sectors a voice and learn methodically from each other with our platform.

Note: There is no economic connection and no conflict of interest between Purchasing to go and our current professional activities.
Purchasing to go

Our team

Manuela Körkel
Philipp Geissdoerfer
Florian Schupp
We will inform you as soon as our newsletter is available.