19. December 2023 - 4:30 PM

Industry 4.0 - From the art to the science

Susan Bear

Chief Technology Officer


Presentation duration approx. 45 minutes
You will receive a link to participate after booking
Livestream Program: LiveStorm. No installation is necessary

Update for 2024 will be announced soon.

Sharing Procurement Knowledge

Purchasing-to-go combines practice with science. A non-profit initiative that aims to provide know-how in the field of Purchasing and Supply Management. Purchasing and Sales, Category and Account Management are all striving for more and for in-depth knowledge on current topics and new trends. We want to stimulate further thinking and development of our field by bringing together your and our network of experts and executives on one platform.


Here you get an overview of upcoming presentations.

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Past events

14. March 2023 - 6:30 PM
Customer-focused negotiation - purchasing-oriented versus sales-oriented
Sebastian Bayer
Geschäftsführer dm - Ressort Marketing und Beschaffung
dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG
14. December 2022 - 7:30 AM & 7:30 PM
1. The war for talents is over, the talents have won – but what do they want in procurement
2. Nachhaltigkeit und der "Intention-Action Gap" im Einkauf (gratis Vortrag)
Prof. Dr. Christoph Bode
Inhaber des Stiftungslehrstuhls für Procurement
Universität Mannheim
15. February 2023 - 6:00 PM
Holistic supplier performance - from quality, production efficiency to innovation
Andreas Schick
Chief Operating Officer
Schaeffler AG
7. December 2022 - 8:00 PM
Strategy in a Box &
Digitalization in Purchasing and SQ - Concept and Effects from and to the supply base
Yanni v. Roy-Jiang
mit W. Vogl und M. Lorenzini
Chief Operating Officer
Webasto Group
25. January 2023 - 6:00 PM
Design thinking methods to create transparency in the Supply Chain
Dr. Georg Mohr
Executive Vice President Purchasing
Kostal Group
8. February 2023 - 6:00 PM
Digitalization Cornerstones
Christine Berg
Director Procurement Excellence & Digital Transformation
Beiersdorf AG
04. April 2023 - 6:00 PM
Price-oriented vs. Value-oriented thinking
Silvia Ibanez
BIDEA AUTOMOTIVE S.L,. Barcelona, Spain
18. April - 6:00 PM
Procurement in a Decarbonized Steel Startup
Luisa Orre
Chief Procurement Officer
H2 Green Steel
27. June 2023 - 8:00 AM
Sustainability at Continental Automotive Purchasing
Veronika Leutgäb
Sustainability Management - Automotive Purchasing
Continental Automotive Technologies GmbH
5. July 2023 - 4:30 PM
Simplisenz im Arbeitsumfeld (auf deutsch)
Sandra Einhoff
Expertin für Work-LEICHT-Balance
26. July 2023 - 8:00 AM
The new high-performance network of Deutsche Bahn and the role of procurement
Patrick Reiß
Leiter Procurement Strategy & IT Systems
Deutsche Bahn AG
10. October 2023 - 4:30 PM
Supply Chain Experiences and Solutions out of practice
Barbara Gaudenzi
Associate Professor
Department of Business Administration, Verona
27. September 2023 - 5:00 PM
Sustainability live - Crossing Greenland
Sarah Winkelmann
Artic Explorer
10. May 2023 - 6:00 PM
Smart exploration and mindful mining: key to a sustainable value chain
Anna & Freek
Exploration geologist
03. May 2023 - 6:00 PM
Pricing strategy
Prof. Dr. Florian Schupp
5. December 2023 - 8:00 AM
System of negotiations
Prof. Dr. Philippe Gillen
Negotiation Advisory Group
8. November 2022 - 5:00 PM
Digital Purchasing
Alexander Frisch
SupplyOn AG
20. December 2023 - 8:00 AM
Making Peace with Procurement - Requestors Demystified
Henning Hatje
Managing Director & Co-Founder
19. December 2023 - 4:30 PM
Industry 4.0 - From the art to the science
Susan Bear
Chief Technology Officer
24. May 2023 - 6:00 PM
Options for Risk Management in Purchasing
Prof. Dr. George A. Zsidisin, CPSM, C.P.M.
Director, Supply Chain Risk and Resilience Research Institute
University of Missouri - St. Louis, USA

Our idea:

Our basic idea is voluntary education through personal initiative. The goal is the exchange of knowledge and learning together, from each other. First of all, it should be noted here that relatively little is offered for the subject of purchasing and supply management at the level of education as a teaching profession, but also in colleges and universities. The field of logistics and supply chain management is much more strongly represented and thus also more frequented. Nevertheless, it is obvious that the field of Purchasing and Supply Management is just as important in the daily economic reality.

Your contributions allow us to run the Purchasing to go knowledge platform, to promote the exchange on the topic of procurement among each other and to support research projects in a practice-oriented way.

In the future you will find more information about our projects here. Direct donations are unfortunately not possible.



In the marginal times of the day, the so-called to-go time, Purchasing to go regularly offers qualified contributions from practice and science, as well as various suggestions on the subject of purchasing, procurement and supply. Often, in the course of our daily tasks, we only take a short time for the so important element of further education. According to this circumstance, we want to offer a contemporary solution with Purchasing to go.

We intend to publish two lectures per month and have conceptually decided to offer our lectures in the morning or in the evening. This way, all interested parties should be able to attend one of the lectures and a short Q&A session afterwards, either at the start of the day or in a more relaxed way in the evening.

Of course, we want our Purchasing to go network to grow, so we invite you all to also contribute your own technical paper or suggest a speaker. We will then make every effort to get in touch with the speaker. Please contact us at any time.

Presentation duration approx. 45 minutes
You will receive a link to participate after booking
Livestream Program: LiveStorm. No installation is necessary

We also follow the principle: Half of Purchasing is Sales! At Purchasing to go, we will therefore not only give buyers the platform to exchange ideas, but also offer the areas of sales, key account management and sales the opportunity to exchange knowledge.


Your contributions

Purchasing to go is a non-profit and therefore relies on your leacture contributions. We can offer you the following packages.

Package 1:
One lecture for 4,99€


Our packages

Package 1:
One lecture
The financial contributions of the participants are used to compensate the speakers for their expenses and also for the further development of our field, which is becoming more and more comprehensive in practice and more present in research.


Current speakers at Purchasing to go

Yanni v. Roy-Jiang
Chief Operating Officer

Webasto Group

Andreas Schick
Chief Operating Officer

Schaeffler AG

Prof. Dr. Christoph Bode
Inhaber des Stiftungslehrstuhls für Procurement

Universität Mannheim

Massimo Lorenzini
Vice President Group Supply Chain Management

Webasto Group

Christine Berg
Director Procurement Excellence & Digital Transformation

Beiersdorf AG

Lynn Torrel
Chief Procurement and Supply Chain Officer

Flextronics International, LTD

Jochen Christian Müller
Head of Purchasing Nidec AMEC EU

Nidec Automotive Europe

Dr. Georg Mohr
Executive Vice President Purchasing

Kostal Group

Sebastian Bayer
Geschäftsführer dm - Ressort Marketing und Beschaffung

dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG

Patrick Reiß
Leiter Procurement Strategy & IT Systems

Deutsche Bahn AG

Prof. Dr. George A. Zsidisin, CPSM, C.P.M.
Director, Supply Chain Risk and Resilience Research Institute

University of Missouri - St. Louis, USA

Veronika Leutgäb
Sustainability Management - Automotive Purchasing

Continental Automotive Technologies GmbH

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